

Telemedicine – The Next Generation of Healthcare

From live-chatting with a personal care physician through a mobile device to transmitting Electronic Health Records (EHR) via Internet connectivity, telemedicine will transform the way people receive personalized healthcare. According to the American Telemedicine Association, telemedicine has already permeated the industry and will continue to expand throughout traditional healthcare practices: “Starting out over 40 years ago with demonstrations of hospitals extending care to patients in remote areas, the use of telemedicine has spread rapidly and is now becoming integrated into the ongoing operations of hospitals, specialty departments, home health agencies, private physician offices as well as consumer’s home and workplaces.” Medical professionals will undoubtedly benefit from learning about this new era of telehealth now as it will considerably change the field of medical care in the future.

Download Telemedicine – The Next Generation of Healthcare


Transformative Innovation in Skin Cancer Prevention

With the medical industry, research foundations, and awareness and fundraising strategies typically focused on cancers of the breast, lung, colon, and prostate, many are surprised to learn skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S. Each year brings more new skin cancer cases than the aforementioned cancers combined, totaling more than 3.5 million skin cancer diagnoses.

Download Transformative Innovation in Skin Cancer Prevention